Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities Symposium Abstract Submission

Please review the How to Submit An Abstract section on our symposium website to determine the appropriate presentation type and to prepare for your presentation. Before submission, please consult with your faculty mentor(s), review your abstract, confirm your presentation type/format, and secure your faculty’s approval. It is your responsibility to communicate with your faculty mentor(s).

This abstract application consists of four (4) pages. You will receive an e-mail confirmation upon submission.

You have reviewed and understand the How to Submit An Abstract section of our website, and the abstract requirements. Abstracts not following the required formatting guidelines will NOT be considered.

Due to limited space, and equitable access for all students, presenters can only submit ONE abstract for ONE presentation type only. Submission for a 2nd presentation will not be accepted.

Only check this box if your presentation will have more than one presenter. Please leave it unchecked if you are a single presenter.

Number of Student Presenters and Faculty Mentors