A requirement to apply to the Chancellor's Research Fellowship (CRF) is to attend a mandatory application workshop. Students who do not attend the workshop will not be considered for this fellowship. (CRF) Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm on the application deadline date to be considered for the fellowship. Before beginning the online application, be sure to read through the CRF Fellowship Application Guidelines. This application cannot be saved once you start.
Please be prepared to have the application components ready to upload.

CRF Application Submission Process

Before starting the application be sure to have all required information, including your budget, the contact information for the budget person in your faculty mentor's department, and your complete proposal (including your timeline template).

CRF Application Progress:

Student Researcher Applicant Information:

Mellon Mays
Other funded summer research program

Please use button below to upload your Resume. Resume must be a PDF file no bigger than 2MB. If unable to upload the PDF file, contact ugr@ucr.edu.